fredag 29. august 2008

What's going on?

Two days ago I was surfing some blogs, and found a recipe for vegetable cupcakes. And I thought that was I fantastic idea, so yesterday I made a whole bunch! They're going to be my lunch for a while. They were quite good, I must say. I changed the recipe a little bit, I put in the potatoes and carrots without "forvelle" them first. Just let me know if you wanna come over and have a taste.

And this is how far my "Lina" is coming along.

And today I've ordered a massive amount of books from and I've never ordered from either before, but there are others in my class who have got their books there. It'll probably be ok, won't it?

And last, I just found this fantastic video: Baby Preacher

onsdag 27. august 2008


I've been thinking. This year I'm doing English at the University College of Oslo. My thinking is this: The more I use this language, the better I'll be at it. So, I've decided to write all my blogposts in English for the year coming. Wasn't that a great idea if I ever had one?!?

Yesterday I bought myself the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. I've been wanting it for years and years, and now, all of a sudden, I had a perfectly good reason to get it: I need it for school! Isn't that just great? I sure think so.

So far, Oslo has been OK. Haven't had too much to do, but I guess that will change relatively soon, as my first written assignment is due in two weeks. It's nothing big, just three pages. I'll get that done in a flash!

I bought a lovely yarn for the August hat in the KAL. It's a silk and alpacca mix, called Chiri. Really soft... And it's in a cold blueish colour. I'll have the hat done in a few days I hope. I better. Or else I'm out of the competition. I actually think I'm gonna make a go for it right now! I'll just show you a quick picture of the progress so far first:

mandag 25. august 2008


... så er eg i Noreg att no. Nærmare bestemt i Oslo. Me landa på Gardermoen forrige sundag kveld etter ein snartur innom Tokyo og tidenes mest kompliserte doer, og ein liten kaffipause på Heathrow. Fram til fredag sov eg på rommet til Gunn June, og no okkuperer eg eit gjesterom på Romsås. På sikt skal eg flytta til eit kollektiv på Lambertseter, og i morgon byrjar eg på skulen. Engelsk årsstudium. På pinnane har eg no ein sokk (Clover Lace Rib) og ei luve (augustluva, Lina) (Det eg har her i Oslo, vel og merka. Eg nemner ingenting om det som framleis ligg heime på Åkra...), og så har eg byrja på eit bestemorsruteponchopledd (sjå der, eg snekra eit nytt ord!). Men det tek tid. Eg har meldt meg på hemmeleg ven på hobbyforum. Det blir spanande. Og det er solsolsol!

Etter G2 i Storsalen i går skulle eg og Tone sjå film. Men me klarte ikkje å opna opp luka på dvd-spelaren der me liksom skal leggja disken oppi. Den hadde heilt låst seg.

mandag 11. august 2008

Siste nyhende!

To norske kvinner observert paa dansk gudsteneste i Svenska Kyrkan (Toorak House) i Melbourne, Australia.

Etterpaa sang heile forsamlinga den norske nasjonalsongen, ein song av Evert Taube, sidan ei svensk dame var til stade, samt ein heil haug med danske nasjonalistiske songar.

Det var ein fin dag, tenkte Lise og Tone Iren.

lørdag 2. august 2008

Byron Bay, Surfing and Stuff!

Her e alle saa lerte aa surfa den dagen, (find one thing missing...Yes the rastafari girl is missing:)

Detta va faktisk fyssta bolgaa eg surfa, ever. Stooolte!

She got Style Mate!

Lise e hekta paa aa surfa, men trur hu trenge litt varmare kler te sola strandaa.